Supine Leg Circles
Muscle Focus: Hamstrings
Position: Lay on back with both legs extended towards ceiling, both feet in straps,feet in turn out position, and heels squeeze together. If doing leg circles for the first time, gently hold the springs with hands and guide the legs around a few times in both directions. Next, arms extend straight by the hips and hands flat (option: head on pillow).
Spring attachment: 6-8 Inches Above Head
• Exhale, lower both legs straight towards 45 degrees squeezing heels together
• Inhale, slowly reach the legs apart at the bottom and lift legs around to form a circle
• Keep pelvis neutral and still without rocking with the movement
• Stabilize by pulling abdominals in firmly throughout
• Reach feet into straps and keep muscles firm
• Repeat this motion 10-15x
Return to start and repeat as desired