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I’ve been dedicated to Rana’s class for years and my physical health depends on them. When she discussed the possibility of doing classes from home, I was skeptical, believing it impossible to duplicate the physical results of the Pilates reformer/tower with her system at my house! Much to my surprise, Rana has accomplished these favorable results through the various exercise exercises she has developed.

I now attend 3 zoom classes a week and feel great! This is a perfect way to eliminate the physical stagnant feeling and maintain the muscle health we all have worked so hard to achieve while we are required to “Stay at Home”. Thank you Rana!

Candace C Satisfied Client
I’ve been training with Rana for about 5 years now. I wanted to find a workout that didn’t interfere with my MS and create more issues. Rana’s knowledge of the human body and excellent approach to an athletic style of pilates training has been something that I’ve come to depend on.

When the studio closed for quarantine, I was so sad!  Rana barely skipped a beat and was able to provide us with an excellent home-based workout in the comfort of my own home with Zoom meetings.

I still feel like Rana is in the room watching my form and motivating me. I also still get to see my friends from the class which is great!

Kristyn B Satisfied Client
After a couple of weeks stuck at home, telling myself I would just “do some weights and online yoga classes” until things are back to normal, I finally reached out to Rana to see what she was up to.  As usual, she has a plan to keep moving forward and get her students in shape, so she quickly got me set up with the few items I needed to do the live online class.

After the first class (which was simple to join and so fun to see everyone’s faces!) I was already feeling it! It’s just like when I started in the studio – sore for a bit, but now after a couple of weeks, I can seriously see and feel myself getting back in shape after the all-day work-from-home yoga pants & snack fest I’ve been on. Thanks so much for introducing this new class, Rana – I love it

Laurie B Satisfied Client
Rana’s innovative home pilates system incorporates both cardio and strength training. I usually do one/one training but wanted to try the classes. She’s able to push me as hard as I need and still modify for those who need it without risking form. This system really works and I look forward to my classes 3x a week! Thanks Rana!
Janees W Satisfied Client